
MenuMetric's stand-alone eContracting platform allows you to process all of your product contracts in one place without a menu.

menumetric ProviderLink screenshot
Rating portal

Stand alone rating portal

Rate and compare product prices across all of your providers. With over 200 connected vendors, eliminate the need for data entry into multiple rating systems.

erating on menumetric app
econtracting on menumetric app
Contracting portal

Real-time eContracting

MenuMetric is at the forefront of enhancing F&I sales, boosting CSI scores, and minimizing contract kickbacks. Dealers embracing eContracting notice better cash flow management and fewer errors, leading to reduced risks.

Ready to get started?
Book a free demo!


Read our expansive FAQs to see if what you're looking for has already been answered.

Can I connect my DMS to ProviderLink?

Yes!  View our list of connected DMSs here:  DMS Connections

What are the benefits of ProviderLink?

ProviderLink gives you a single source to rate and contract all of your F&I products!  No need to go to each individual provider's portal and manually type in your info.

Still have questions?

Check out the help center or contact support.